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Monroe County

Message from Dr. Taylor Squires, President

I am honored to serve as your MCDS President for a second year and excited to continue working with our wonderful board and members to support and grow this organization. Below I’ve highlighted a few things we’ve been working on to strengthen our dental community.

The Careers in Dentistry Program continues to have a meaningful impact on our growing group of local high school and college-age students. We recently partnered with the Eastman Institute for Oral Health to offer students a tour of their facility, giving them a firsthand look at residency life and what it takes to become a dentist. Our annual visit to UB Dental is another event that students look forward to each year, providing them with valuable exposure to the profession.

Our Member Benefits Committee has been busy refining the identity of the Monroe County Dental Society and finding new ways to engage young dentists as they embark on their careers. We want to continue building a strong, connected dental community—one that fosters mentorship and provides meaningful opportunities for professional growth.

In addition, we’ve revised the Constitution and Bylaws and drafted an Administrative Code to help streamline the efficiency of our organization. These updates will be up for a vote at our March 7th meeting, and I encourage all members to review and participate in the discussion.

I’m looking forward to another great year of growing MCDS and tailoring it to the needs of our amazing local dentists. Congratulations to my fellow 2025 officers and new directors—I’m excited to work alongside such a dedicated group.

As always, I’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, or just want to chat, feel free to reach out—my cell is 585-200-7218.

Looking forward to another great year together!

2025 Monroe County Dental Society Board of Directors


Dr Taylor Squires - President

Dr. Scott Koopman - President-Elect

Dr. Vincenzo Marino - Vice President

Dr. Timothy Abbamonte - Secretary

Dr. Michael Grassi - Treasurer

Past Presidents

Dr. Taylor Squires - Immediate Past-President 2024 

Dr. Todd Pedersen - Immediate Past-President 2023


Dr. Abdullah Al Qaraghuli (term ends 2026)

Dr. Robert J. Buhite, II (term ends 2026)

Dr. Gerry Cellura (term ends 2025)

Dr. Steven Damelio (term ends 2025)

Dr. Peter D'Elia (term ends 2026)

Dr. Kyle Kenyon (term ends 2026)

Dr. Aaron Sigona (term ends 2027)

Dr. Katherine Strong (term ends 2027)

MCDS Hosts Members at Red Wings Game

MCDS hosted members, friends and family members at the Red Wings Game on August 11, 2023.

MCDS Presents Awards during MCC Pinning Ceremony

Dr. Todd Pedersen, Monroe County Dental Society President, and Ms. Becky Herman, Executive Director, presented two awards during Monroe Community College’s Dental Studies Program Pinning Ceremony held on May 24, 2023.  Two graduates received a certificate and monetary award: Ms. Tessa Cratsley for dental hygiene and Ms. Jaclyn Wegman for dental assisting.  Congratulations to these deserving students!

Dr. Isaac Kuyunov Joins MCDS Board of Directors

Dr. Isaac Kuyunov was sworn in as a Monroe County Dental Society Director by Board President, Dr. Todd Pedersen on May 22, 2023 during their last board meeting before the summer break. He will serve until December 2023 and is then eligible to run for a new three year term. Congratulations and welcome Dr. Kuyunov!

MCDS Hosts Dr. Alireza Sadr from UW

The Monroe County Dental Society held it’s Semi-Annual Meeting on Friday, April 28, 2023 at the RIT Inn & Conference Center. Dr. Alireza Sadr, Director of Operative Dentistry at the University of Washington, spoke on “Structural Adhesive Dental Restorations.” A special THANK YOU to our event sponsors: DDSMatch, ERC Applications, Gentle Wave, J&L Dental, M&T Bank, Straumann, Urgent Dental Care, Walsh Duffield, and ZimVie Dental. Featured in photo: L-R Drs. Todd Pedersen, MCDS President, Alireza Sadr, speaker, and Shyenne Pougher, MCDS Business Chair.

Careers In Dentistry Program is Back!

Careers in Dentistry Program Visits UB School of Dental Medicine 
The Monroe County Dental Society’s Careers in Dentistry Program traveled to the University of Buffalo’s School of Dental Medicine on March 31, 2023. Twenty-six students from area high schools and local universities, along with three district and county board members, met with UB dental students and faculty to learn about the dental program and tour the school.  This was the third event for the program this year.  Participants will meet back in Rochester at the District Office mid-April to hear from an oral surgeon.

Careers in Dentistry Kick-off Event
MCDS kicked off its Careers In Dentistry program on January 11, 2023 at the Seventh District Dental Society Office. High school and college students attended an informational session led by MCDS Board Members and program chairs, Drs. Taylor Squires and Katie Strong.

MCDS Holds Ortho/Pedo Night for Students Interested in Dentistry
The Monroe County Dental Society's Careers in Dentistry Program held its second event for high school and college students interested in learning more about dentistry on February 21, 2023. Students met at Comella Orthodontics in Rochester, after hours, to learn about orthodontics and pediatric dentistry. Dental professionals in these specialties showed students how to use an Itero intraoral scanner, 3D printer, and other orthodontic instruments. In March, students will travel to the University of Buffalo to tour the School of Dental Medicine and meet with current dental students and faculty.